Study 6
Mark 10:35-52

In sport we constantly need to perform.
We have to perform well to get into the next team. To impress the coach. To get a new contract and to keep playing.
It is all about performing.
How does this need to constantly perform in your sport make you feel?

James and John, alongside Peter, were two of Jesus’ closest friends.
James and John thought their performances as Jesus’ close friends would earn them a high status in Jesus’ kingdom.
All of our lives, wherever we live in the world, we are told that if we work hard and perform well, we will get what we deserve.
The problem is, when it comes to faith, we can never work hard enough to be perfect. We can never earn our way into God’s good books because of what we do or who we are.

Read Mark 10:35-45

1. They ask Jesus for honour and power. What does this show us of how they understood Jesus?
When Jesus talks about the ‘cup’ and ‘baptism’ he is talking about his death.
2. Why do you think Jesus tells James and John “You don’t understand what you are asking?”
3. Why do you think the other disciples would have been annoyed at their request?
The word ‘ransom’ in verse 45 refers to the sum of money needed to free someone from slavery if they were in debt.
4. What new thing do we learn about how Jesus understood what he was on earth to do?
5. What do you make of the fact that Jesus is calling you a slave who needs freeing? How does this make you feel?
6. In sport we often have to perform in order to impress our coaches, parents or fans. It is by performing, by being ‘great’ that we are rewarded. We can think this is how religion works. How does this story challenge this view?
Now we meet a blind man, Bartimaeus, who responds in contrast to James and John.
Read Mark 10:46-52
7. Jesus asks Bartimaeus the same question he asked James and John – “What do you want me to do?” What does Bartimaeus response here reveal about how he viewed both himself and Jesus?
Bartimaeus recognised he didn’t deserve anything and he cried out for mercy. Jesus responded by healing him and commending his faith.

8. What do you think Jesus means by “your faith has healed you?”
It is only through faith, through trusting in Jesus, that we can be saved and ultimately healed. There is nothing we can do to earn this or any performance we can bring which he will reward us for. It is only through God’s mercy that we can be forgiven.
9. How does this make you feel?
10. What will it take for you to put your trust fully in Jesus today?