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Study 4

Mark 5:21-24, 35-43 and Mark 16:1-8


Every sportsperson has to face the inevitable decline. Age, injuries, decline in performance or change in motivation force all of us to retire and step away from competing at some point and this can be a real challenge as we look to navigate the next phase in life.


In sport retirement is often known as the “first death.” It is called the “first death” because we all know the “second” and final death is on its way.


We struggle to talk about retirement and even more so about death. Why do you think this is?




Jesus has been attracting large crowds and people are travelling to hear him speak and see his miracles. As we’ve seen, Jesus was reluctant to be known as a healer and yet here, as he is confronted with sickness and death, he heals.


In Mark 16 we read the account of the resurrection of Jesus and see why it is essential to confirm the forgiveness of sins has happened and the promise of new life. The story in Mark 5 points to the reality of what Jesus achieved in Mark 16.



Read Mark 5:21-24 

1. What do Jairus’ actions suggest to us about his situation?  


2. Considering Jesus did not want to be known just as a miracle worker, why do you think he agrees to go with Jairus? 

Read Mark 5:35-43 

3. After Jesus eventually arrives he tells Jairus “Do not be afraid, just believe.” What was Jairus being asked to believe about Jesus?


4. How does Jesus respond to the girl’s death? How does he speak to the girl? 

5. Imagine this story was all you had to understand the meaning of the word ‘faith.’ What is it and what does it involve? 

Faith is an important theme in Mark and it means simply to put our trust and confidence, not in ourselves, but in Jesus as the one who alone can meet our deepest needs.  
The woman Jesus healed and Jairus both place their faith in Jesus as they experience their own powerlessness.  

6. Jesus won’t always bring the dead back to life if we have faith. So what do you think this story means for us today? 

This story is a preview of the most dramatic story in Jesus’ life – his resurrection where he came back from the dead. Let’s read that account now: 

Read Mark 16:1-8 

7. What is the significance of Mark taking so much care to name these women?   

8. What do you think the women went to the tomb to do? Why were they shocked?

9. Consider the words of the young man dressed in white.  How do these words change everything?  



10. If Jesus was raised from the dead, it changes everything! What will you do in response to what you’ve read today? 

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