How to share the Christian message with sportspeople
Study 8

What is the best news you have heard this week and why?
To be able to reach the world of sport for Christ, each Christian in sport must be able to explain the good news of Jesus Christ - the gospel.
Yet so often we keep it to ourselves rather than share it as good news. One of the reasons we don’t share it as good news is because we don’t know it!

Read: Romans 1:16-17
1. Why is Paul not ashamed of the gospel?
2. How does the passage describe what the gospel is?
3. Who is the gospel for?
4. How does this passage convict or encourage you as you think about sharing the good news with your sports friends?

What you need to know:
Romans 1:16-17 is the theme of the entire book. Paul tells us that this gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. Later, in the same letter, he tells us that faith comes through hearing the message and this message is the gospel; he asks us the question: How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? (Romans 10:14-17).
Six windows into the gospel