How to pray for sportspeople
Study 3

What are some of the reasons you don’t pray more for your sports friends?
There are many reasons why we find it hard to pray: we don’t know what to pray for, we’re too busy, we don’t see the benefit, we don’t know where to start, it feels empty…the list can be endless. However, the root of these reasons is often a misunderstanding or failure to grasp who God is and his call to us to pray.

Read: 1 Timothy 2:1-6
What you need to know:
Paul is giving Timothy, a young leader, instructions for how to lead the church in Ephesus. His first instruction is to pray because it is foundational.
1. In verse 3 what name does Paul use for God?
2. In verse 5 how does Paul describe God and what does this mean?
3. What do you think it means to be made in the image of God?
Why should we pray for sportspeople? Because God is both powerful and intimate. The names of God in this passage refl ect the power of God to save us and the intimacy of God as he sends Jesus Christ as our mediator.
Reread: 1 Timothy 2:1-6

4. What does verse 1 teach us about how we should pray for our sports friends?
5. Describe in your own words the four things mentioned.
6. What is it that God wants us to pray for from verses 2 and 4?
7. Look at the repeated phrase ‘all people’, what is it emphasizing?

What you need to know:
Paul is keen for Timothy to pray for ALL people even those who are in authority over them, who may persecute them - because God is able to save anyone as Christ’s ransom is enough.
How should we pray? Verse 1 tells us with all kinds of prayers, petitions (requests), intercessions (on behalf of others) and thanksgiving. Is this how you pray for your sports friends? We should pray that we would live godly lives among them and that they would be saved.

It is often easier to talk about praying rather than doing it! Make sure now that you take some time to stop and pray. Pray for:
• The wider sports world - that the Lord would raise up more Christians in different sports.
• Your sport - thank him for your sport and pray for those in it specifically.
• Your club/team – pray on behalf of your team that God would save them remembering that no one is beyond saving.
• Your sports friends.